Antelope Valley, CA Social Security

Gary L. Merkle, A Law Corporation

Social Security Disability is a program that provides to you and certain family members disability payments if you have worked long enough. If you have not worked the required number of years and you are a disabled adult there is a program that provides limited income and resources as a result of your disability. 

Our professional staff and attorneys are available to help you with your rights to social security benefits including various retirement benefits that you may also be entitled to.

El programa para desabilitados del Seguro Social, provee para algunos miembros de la familia pagos por descapacidad si es que ha trabajado el tiempo suficiente. Si usted no ha trabajado los anos requeridos y es un adulto descapacitado, hay un programa que provee ayuda de dinero debido a su descapacidad. 

Nuestro empleados y abogados estan disponibles para ayudarle a usted con sus derechos del Seguro Social, incluyendo varios beneficios de retiro que talvez usted califica para ello. 

Llamenos para una Consulta Gratis.

Our Social Security Attorney Services Include:

  • Social Security Disability Benefits
  • Supplemental Security Income
  • Long, short term disability
  • State disability
  • Retirement disability

Call us for a free consultation.


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